Still on traditional todo apps ?

Super productivity the end all be all for program in the productivity realm


So When i say the word productivity what pops in your head?, multitasking , emails , waking up early running. What about when i say todo lists, PKM and productivity ? Notion, evernote, obsidian, bear … And what not.

So like you i am a victim of this type of products jumping from one program to another hoping it will fix my fried dopamine receptors and make me commit into doing my task and achieving my goals. I don’t know how but the companies that make the products makes it looks like you can’t achieve anything without that product.

Jumping around the internet looking around for a todo list which i can use on pc to track tasks i had my own criteria

  • should be clean and minimalist
  • offline
  • straight to the point
  • no sync (because i like to keep my PC todo’s and phone todo’s separate)

Well i know quite a weird criteria for a todo list or maybe not, so i started looking around reddit posts and forums, so i thought why not search around GitHub might find some indie projects i like, you might be asking like why not code it yourself. Which I DID, this is not a skill issue


look closer it even has indicators and shit even though the UI is shit and done in TK


But i did not want to go down the rabbithole of doing a todo list configuring its UI and stuff. So i continued my search on github i started typing in the buzz words, todo, better-todo, productivity.

And that is when i found it johannesjo/super-productivity: Super ProAductivity

Super productivity what a funny name i thought but it wouldn’t hurt to go in and check the repository so i went it and stated watching through the screenshots and whatnot. Got me interested so i went to the release page and downloaded the RPM since i am running OpenSUSE it wasn’t an issue to run RPM packages.

And let me tell you i was amazed by what i saw. I read through some blogs written about it watched the video on how to use it and the keyboard shortcuts and i was hooked.

I just love the feature of having to add a project to do and track the amount of time it takes you to do that task and even more it had integration’s with GitHub and Jira.

And the feature where it tells you how many minutes your spent without tracking a task or doing something was amazing.

I did most of the stuff i would have not done just to get that done animation and sound. In some way it gamified the process of working and made it more enjoyable to do tasks.

I am even using it currently for writing this blog


Here are some resources if you want to get started

And i think i have found the perfect app for me, and did i mention it has sync offline and online(dropbox and what not). I know i said i don’t want sync but this is just incase you want backup history of your tasks I urge you all to give it a check you might enjoy it. Maybe fall in love with it as i did.

As always thanks for reading and hope you enjoyed this one. see you on the next one :)

 Date: May 11, 2024
 Tags:  tools productivity

⏪ Mommy, Look at my dotfiles

Been a Ride ⏩