Propaganda 101

Starter Pack for the Dictatorial Regime

Living in the third world or commonly known as the continent Africa, where all the Governments have Communism and dictatorial structure sugar coated as Democracy; by the people for the people and have this futile attempts at propaganda, i mean it is barely propaganda for the well educated, it could be spot on sight. So i decided to make this starter pack, a simple guide for whom it may ever concern.


So before we start with the how to’s we should understand what Propaganda means

is communication that is primarily used to influence or persuade an audience to further an agenda, which may not be objective and may be selectively presenting facts to encourage a particular synthesis or perception, or using loaded language to produce an emotional rather than a rational response to the information that is being presented.

The Media is a weapon

The media is a loaded gun ready to be shot in any direction at your disposal, not that this is new knowledge for any leader but knowing where to aim and shoot at is the thing most leaders lack. Guns in real life have limited number of bullets hence the shooter have to aim properly at which ever target he wants to hit and shoot not to miss but to get the job done. So most governments rely on government funded media to do their jobs but that there is aiming at the wrong place, to deal with this.

One must create a non-government funded organization by the people make another company with no relations or what so ever to the government and fund this NGO. And this NGO runs an independent new media outlet run by investigative journalists curious to know about the truth behind anything and uncover it to the public. The journalists must be ones with real passion and desire in investigative journalism so the masses buy into them.This so called investigative journalist lets call them IJ for short must face real life threats and hardships, they must be chased by the government and opposing groups that want to eradicate them too.

But here is where the you come into play, You must be able to do some real but not so much as distressing, do things crime like embezzlement, bribery and nepotism Don’t go more than 10 million in the money pool cause that is the casual lottery money for the masses, large enough to cause a shake but not that large enough to start an eruption. Be sure to leave bread crumbs for the IJ’s so that they could follow through and let the masses know what is happening. Don’t forget to plant a fallout sheep, this personnel must be from within the government and only heard of once or twice so only few people recognize him. And inform the unaware of his position in the government. Make this personnel one with a mysterious past to the media, a past only the IJ’s could figure out and inform the masses.

By repeating this step a bit more and making this so called “Independent Media” trust worthy and accepted by the masses. You could place certain trails and leads that can stray the masses away from the main goal you are trying to achieve.

Another way you could load the media and shoot is speaking the plain truth in plain sight but fermenting the actions, taking a while to do what ever it is you plan to do. First announce to the masses then take action using a slow route. The masses will be focused on searching for this so called hidden agenda and what ever is behind the curtains that there is a 95% chance that they would not notice.

coming soon

  • Keep Them Distracted - Propaganda 101.

 Date: October 2, 2023
 Tags:  propaganda guide starterkit

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