Been a Ride

It was everything


So, I decided to take a little detour from my Linux playground and venture into the mysterious realm of OpenBSD for 30 days as a challenge. Let me tell you, it’s been quite the ride!

First up, I thought I’d give OpenBSD a spin in VirtualBox. Easy, right? Wrong. Windows sizing issues had me banging my head against the keyboard. No matter what I tried, OpenBSD just wouldn’t play nice with my VirtualBox window. Stuff like this irritates the hell outta me. I to QEMU and ah, sweet relief! QEMU letting me run OpenBSD hassle-free.

Well so i thought now i could run it smoothly but that shit UI was a pain it was using a x-windowing system manager from back when the mouse was invented or something. So i had to figure out a way to switch to xfce. Which i did thanks to the openbsd guy on youtube.

So all set to use openbsd and what next, this is where the real challenge comes like people do be complaining linux does not have programs but man hell nah. That is when i realized why the OpenBSD posted server pics only on their site


So what was the solution to using my commonly used linux programs on bsd. Porting

Adjusting file paths, resolving dependencies - it was pain staking wanted to cry but also enjoyed it at the same time. I managed to bring some Linux apps into the OpenBSD fold. Also learned to RTFM on my own.

# Example: Porting 'htop' to OpenBSD
git clone
cd htop
./configure --prefix=/usr/local
sudo make install

Now all that is left to do is embrace the OpenBSD chad spirit, and flex on all the macbook soy bois that if they had the balls they would use the true BSD.


In all honesty i did enjoy the journey and learned hella stuff like tons, but idk where to use them maybe might come in handy one day. So if you got the spirit of adventure i’d say go full bare metal bsd on your system and see how much of a curious spirit you are. :)

As always thanks for reading and i am thinking of adding more memes to the blogs to keep things interesting and engaging. let me know what you think the telegram community *@DaveDumps

 Date: May 22, 2024
 Tags:  openbsd challenge os

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