Why Greek Statues Have Small Penis?

I always found it weird that this huge muscluar Greek men had small penises.


From my deep search into this rabbit hole and jumping from wikipedia to encyclopedia britanica to site and reasearch the conclusion was that the ancient greeks believed that a small penis was a sign of the wise and a man with stoic features, hence he is not always out there doing Hedonistic stuff and missing out on the true pleasures of life and large or longer penises show the other way round.

And honestly i do think this a valid view i do understand what they are saying, but does this mean that socrates had a small dick? idk i will leave that to you the reader.

And here are some bullet points i was able to collect researching this topic :

  • In his play The Clouds (c. 419–423 BC), ancient Greek playwright Aristophanes summed up the ideal traits of his male peers as “a gleaming chest, bright skin, broad shoulders, tiny tongue, strong buttocks, and a little prick.”

  • Historian Paul Chrystal has also conducted research into this ancient ideal. “The small penis was consonant with Greek ideals of male beauty,” he writes in his book In Bed with the Ancient Greeks (2016). “It was a badge of the highest culture and a paragon of civilization.”

  • Lustful, depraved satyrs, in particular, were rendered with very large, erect genitals, sometimes almost as tall as their torsos. According to mythology, these creatures were part-man, part-animal, and totally lacked restraint—a quality reviled by Greek high society. “Big penises were vulgar and outside the cultural norm, something sported by the barbarians of the world,” writes Chrystal. Indeed, across many an amphora pot and frieze, well-endowed satyrs can be seen drinking and pleasuring themselves with abandon.

  • In Greek comedy, fools also routinely sported large genitals—“the sign of stupidity, more of a beast than a man,” according to Chrystal. So, too, did artistic representations of the Egyptians, says Lear, who were long-time enemies of the Greeks.

  • “the penis was never a badge of virility or manliness in Ancient Greece as it was in other cultures,” Chrystal writes. “Potency came from the intellect needed to power man’s responsibility to father children, prolong the family line and the oikos (the family unit or household), and sustain the polis (the city-state).”

 Date: August 31, 2023
 Tags:  essays greek history

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