On Reading

Reading books and buying books are two different things and I want you all to understand that.

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Now the problem is that after buying the books reading them becomes a chore, you know building up that reading habit, like starting up the engine. So Here are a few tips to help you build back up your reading habit:

  1. Set realistic goals. Don’t try to read a whole book in one day. Start with a small goal, such as reading for 15 minutes a day. Once you’ve gotten into the habit of reading, you can gradually increase the amount of time you spend reading each day.

  2. Find a comfortable place to read. This could be your bed, a couch, or a quiet spot in your local library. Make sure you’re comfortable and won’t be disturbed while you’re reading.

  3. Choose books that you’re interested in. If you’re not interested in the book you’re reading, you’re less likely to stick with it. So take some time to browse the shelves and find books that sound appealing to you.

  4. Make reading a part of your routine. Schedule some time each day to read, just like you would schedule any other appointment. This could be before bed, during your lunch break, or whenever you have a few spare minutes.

  5. Don’t be afraid to take breaks. If you start to feel tired or bored, take a break and come back to the book later. Forcing yourself to read when you’re not enjoying it will only make it harder to get back into the habit.

  6. Find a reading partner or join a book club. Having someone to read with can help you stay motivated and accountable. You can also discuss the books you’re reading and share your thoughts and ideas.

  7. Don’t give up. It takes time to build a new habit. So don’t get discouraged if you don’t see results immediately. Just keep reading and eventually you’ll find yourself enjoying it more and more.

Building back up a reading habit takes time and effort, but it’s worth it. Reading is a great way to relax, learn, and grow. So don’t give up, and keep reading!

Here are some additional tips that may help you build back up your reading habit:

  • Use a reading tracker. This can help you stay motivated and track your progress. There are many different reading trackers available, both online and in print.

  • Set aside a special place for your books. This will make it more likely that you’ll pick them up and start reading.

  • Make reading a reward. If you finish a book, give yourself a small reward, such as watching your favorite TV show or going for a walk.

  • Don’t be afraid to experiment. Try different genres of books and different reading formats, such as physical books, ebooks, or audiobooks.

  • Don’t be afraid to ask for help. If you’re struggling to build back up your reading habit, talk to a librarian or a friend who is a big reader.

With a little effort, you can build back up your reading habit and enjoy all the benefits that reading has to offer.

 Date: August 25, 2023
 Tags:  books reading advice

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